Welcome to the Anishinaabek Dementia Care Website known as “Zaagidwinaa Miinwaa Gdoshkodeminaa Kaa Mkwendaana” which translates to “Our Love, Our Fire, We Will Remember”.
The website serves as an introductory resource for Anishinaabek communities seeking local and culturally relevant information about Dementia.
Thank you for visiting, and we hope you find the information you need on your journey. If you wish to contact the website’s creators, please visit the resource page to access the contact information for Maamwesying North Shore Community Health Services Inc. and Noojmowin Teg Health Centre.
Taking care of ourselves
“You need to be able to look at all of that spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically because those first three affect the physical. We look at the physical first, but we are not taking in the spiritual, mental, and emotional side. Those parts are what is driving the physical part of us.”
Ruby Thompson, Caregiver, Sheguiandah First Nation
Anishinaabek Dementia Care Video (2019)
Taking time for each other
“We need to have support. We need people. We need our families to help us and our friends. They become important in our life when it’s happening.”
Molly Migwans, Elder/Caregiver,
M’Chigeeng First Nation, Anishinaabek Dementia Care Video (2019)
“When you have dementia, you no longer understand words. You understand love.”
Valerie Beaudin, Caregiver, M’Chigeeng First Nation
Anishinaabek Dementia Care Video (2019)
Preparing for dementia
“The more information about dementia that comes out with this research, that will help from here on. Now that we know what we are up against. You will have someone in your family that will have dementia. So let’s be prepared.”
Margaret Jackson, Elder/Caregiver, Wiikwemkoong Unceded Territory
Anishinaabek Dementia Care Video (2019)
The Anishinaabek Dementia Care video is a collaboration between Maamwesying North Shore Community Health Services Inc. and Noojmowin Teg Aboriginal Health Access Centre. Please watch Caregivers from the Anishinaabek communities of Manitoulin Island and the North Shore sharing their teachings about Dementia.
This project is funded by

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